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Six months of immersive learning – A lifetime of benefit

The Mindfulness Immersion Semester is our anchor program for advancing your study and practice in living mindfully. With in-depth training, experiential learning, and a cohort of peers, the program blends wisdom and science with meaningful, engaged practice. It is a deeply supported learning process for transformative skills and insight to live a life with less stress, and more focus, intention, values, ease, and well-being. 

For over 10 years with this program, we’ve been helping people deepen meditation and mindfulness practices integrated into the life they are living while cultivating the life of meaning, resilience, and well-being they aspire for.  

Led by co-founders and experienced instructors, the program offers personal guidance and mentoring, along with a small learning community of peers and an easy-to-use online learning platform. Since 2014, we have continued to bring new elements and evolve to address the latest research and learning opportunities. As with all our programs, the approach is practical, accessible, and universal.

Who is the Immersion Semester for?

The Mindfulness Immersion Semester is ideal for you if you desire to deepen your mindfulness practice, have a dedication to personal growth, appreciate learning in a small group, and have a strong interest in developing a more practical, personal, and theoretical familiarity with the key areas of living mindfully. It is ideal if you are looking for positive change and to cultivate an open-hearted, compassionate way of living. Developing the skills and practice of living, relating, and communicating mindfully in all the roles in your life, from personal, to community and professional, and having those based in your deepest values becomes noticeably transformative. 

It is ideal for:

  • Those who have a mindfulness practice and are eager for an invigorating next phase of learning with a group of peers. 
  • Those ready for an immersive learning experience rather than a workshop or single retreat. 
  • Those who are ready to extend their inquiry, experience, and learning to integrate their practice more fully in their way of being and living both personally and professionally. 
  • Those looking to embody the skills of mindfulness in the face of challenging circumstances and in a wide range of relationships. 
  • Those wanting to address ongoing physical or emotional issues with deep personal growth and self-regulation skills. 
  • Those who want to deepen their practice in preparation for becoming a mindfulness facilitator or teacher. 

Who engages in the Mindfulness Immersion Semester?

  • The Immersion Semester has brought together adults of all ages and life paths with a variety of personal and professional interests, life pursuits, and roles. The program has served well those in the medical and healthcare fields, mental health providers, wellness practitioners, educators, and social service professionals. Parents and grandparents, artists, outdoor educators, yoga instructors, and those in fields such as the tech industry, building trades, and engineers have found great benefits. 
  • Our graduates over the past 10 years are from the US, Canada, Australia, Scotland, and Sweden. 
  • Many of our graduates choose to continue their training with our teacher certification or personal development semesters. This semester forms the foundation and prerequisite for anyone choosing such additional training. 
  • The common interest is in personal growth and development and being of benefit to themselves and others. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Enhanced attentional stability and focus
  • Improved confidence and experience in shamatha and other meditation practices
  • Increased insight and self-awareness
  • Identification and increased integration of values
  • Strengthened rhythm and routine of practice habits
  • Deeper understanding of the role and benefits of specific mindfulness practices
  • Improved relationship with self and others
  • Enhanced self-compassion and compassion for others
  • Increased emotional balance and equanimity
  • Reduction of cognitive distortions
  • Increased ability to bring wisdom and insight to challenges 

We created the Immersion Semester with the foundational understanding that mindfulness is much more than the important development of attention and present-moment awareness through meditation. Mindfulness is a way of life in which we integrate our deepest, dearest-held values into our everyday thoughts, words, and actions. This kind of harmony is what we mean by “integrity”. This is the kind of integrity that leads to lasting happiness and a sense of living a meaningful life. When we develop ourselves in this way, we transform our way of being and our impact on others.