Mindful Life Retreat, November 17 – 19th, Corinella, Australia

The Mindful Life Program is very pleased to have the opportunity to offer a Mindful Life Retreat in Corinella, Victoria, Australia led by co-founder Mark Molony.

Location:  129 Smythe Street, Corinella ,Victoria (a beautiful seaside location on Western Port Bay)

Accommodation– Please be advised that the venue is a large beach side holiday house. Those participants who are prepared to share rooms and facilities will be catered for on a first request basis. The beach house has five large bedrooms.

Details and Registration – More information and registrations by contacting Mark Molony at mark.molony (at) pobox.com.

Mindful Life Retreat September 6-9

Mindful Life Retreat, September 6 – 9, 2018 in Auburn, CA


Living mindfully empowers you to live your life with attention and intention, cultivating the skills to make healthy choices that are in alignment with your values and are meaningful to you. The Mindful Life Retreat combines the practice of meditation and the practical application of mindfulness in daily life. Join us for a mindfulness retreat guided by mindfulness teachers John Bruna and Laura Bartels at Mercy Retreat Center in Auburn, CA. 

Our retreat at the Mercy Retreat Center will provide you with mindfulness tools to help you reduce stress and increase inner peace, resiliency and well-being. We will focus on the four keys of living mindfully:

    • Attention– Developing attention skills through meditation training.
  • Wisdom– Understanding one’s biases, labeling, projection and pre-judgment. Increasing emotional intelligence and learning to respond rather than react.
  • Values– Exploring your values so they can be a guiding force in your life.
  • Open heart– Developing healthy relationships and connections. Cultivating skills of compassion, loving-kindness, empathic joy and equanimity.

The retreat will include periods of silence, meditation, discussion, and journaling.  We recommend reading The Wisdom of a Meaningful Life: The Essence of Mindfulness prior to the retreat.

John Bruna, author of The Wisdom of a Meaningful Life: The Essence of Mindfulness, is a counselor, educator, mindfulness and Dharma teacher. He is the co-founder of the Mindful Life Program and director of the Way of Compassion Foundation.

Laura Bartels is the Executive Director of the Mindful Life Program and a certified mindfulness teacher. 

About the location

Mercy Retreat Center

Mercy Center Auburn is a Retreat and Conference Center located in the beautiful foothills of Northern California’s Sierra Nevada mountains.


Mercy Retreat accommodations include 40 bedrooms in a quiet and informal community setting. Each single-occupancy bedroom is furnished with a desk, a comfortable chair for relaxation, a sink and lighted vanity mirror, and full or twin bed.


$275 residential/$215 commuter 

$75 Non-refundable deposit required


Registration is through Mercy Retreat Center at http://www.mercycenter.org/retreat-calendar

Space is limited so we encourage early registration. 

For more information, call us at 970-633-0163 or email us at [email protected].

Mindfulness Foundations Course

Mindfulness Foundations Course, Nov 8 – Dec 16 in Kapaau, HI

Join the Mindful Life Program Foundations Course, November 8 – December 16, 2017 at a private sanctuary in Kapaau, Hawaii. Directions will be emailed to participants upon registration. Give yourself the gift of this lively and engaging opportunity to learn to live mindfully, with attention and intention, cultivating genuine happiness and a meaningful life. The course teaches the practice of meditation and the practical application of mindfulness in daily life. Empower yourself to integrate the four key areas of mindfulness – attention, wisdom, values, and an open heart – into your life in practical, accessible and universal ways.

Concentration – Developing attention skills through meditation training.

Wisdom – Understanding one’s biases, labeling, projection and pre-judgment. Increasing emotional intelligence and learning to respond rather than react.

Values – Living a meaningful life. Developing healthy habits and responses that are in alignment with one’s personal values.

Open heart – Developing healthy relationships and connections. Cultivating skills of compassion, loving-kindness, empathic joy and equanimity.

“Taking the MLP  Foundations Course with Mindy helped me to cultivate better attention and presence, establish a more consistent meditation practice and understand better my patterns of skillful and unskillful behavior. My meditation practice is more of a priority now and I’ve acquired the skills to lead a more connected and meaningful life. Mindy’s kindness and sincere best intention for all people shines through in her teaching and she creates a container of safety that allows people to feel safe in their vulnerability.” -Brigid, recent participant 

Enrollment includes:

  • 20 hours of engaging in-person class 
  • Foundations Course Companion Journal
  • Downloadable guided meditations
  • Daily practice guide

Read the full description for the course under the Programs tab, and read more feedback from recent participants here.

Dates: Wednesdays,  November 8, 15, 29, December 6, and 13, 6 – 8:30 pm and Saturday, December 16, 9:30 am – 5:30 pm

Cost: $250. Inquire about group discounts. Payment plans and scholarships are available. Our mission is to help everyone, regardless of their ability to pay. To apply for a payment plan or scholarship, please email Mindy (see organizer information).

To register: Please call or email Mindy Meiering (see organizer information).

Facilitator: Mindy Meiering  

Mindy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Life Coach, & Co-Founder of Inhabit, a world-class retreat center currently under construction on the island of Hawai’i. She divides her time between Colorado and Hawaii and lives with her husband, Patrick, and their two sweet rescue dogs. Mindy’s love for teaching is apparent.  Few things give her greater satisfaction than witnessing a participant in one of her classes deepen into their mindfulness practice and flourish within the MLP Program. Her students have described her as “openhearted, positive, supportive and sincere” and as someone who “truly cares and is at all times interested in making sure I walk away with a love for this practice and a passion to follow it each day forward.”

John Bruna, Keynote Speaker, Winter Symposium, Colorado Springs, CO

John Bruna will be one of the keynote speakers at the 44th Annual Winter Symposium for Psychotherapy Associates.  His talk is entitled “Mindfulness: A Bridge to the 12 Steps”. The full symposium will take place January 28 – 31, 2018. 

John Bruna to speak at Nassau Area Convention Narcotics Anonymous, Melville, NY

On Saturday night, January 20th, John Bruna will be the main speaker at the evening banquet for the 15th Annual Nassau Area Convention, Narcotics Anonymous. The convention will be a 3-day event from Friday, January 19th through Sunday January 21st.