Online Mindfulness in Recovery® Integration Training

This is a 14-hour training offered over a two-week period with direct supervision and interaction with our co-founder, John Bruna.

The MIR Implementation Training outcomes:

  • Practical and effective strategies to integrate the Mindfulness in Recovery® methods and practices into the therapeutic process for the treatment of addiction, co-occurring disorders, and family support strategies
  • Identify evidenced-based therapeutic modalities that link effectively to an
    integrated, individualized mindfulness program for clients
  • Knowledge of the diverse perspectives and definitions of mindfulness
  • Clarify the difference between mindfulness meditation and the practice of
  • Understand the role of meditation in the practice of mindfulness

Participant Benefits:

  • Certificate of 14 hours of professional development training in MIR. We are a NAADAC approved education provider.
  • Training fulfills a prerequisite for entry into Mindfulness in Recovery® facilitator certification program
  • Membership in the MIR Clinical Community
  • The Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery® 
  • Enrollment in a 28-day online meditation training course
  • One month of Mindfulness in Recovery® Community membership
  • Discount on MIR materials 

More Information: Read the full description for the course on the Program Page. For specific questions about the training, contact us at [email protected].

Dates: May 4 – 15th, 2020

Facilitator: John Bruna

Cost: $149


Online Mindfulness in Recovery® Integration Training

This is a 14-hour training offered over a two-week period with direct supervision and interaction with our co-founder, John Bruna.

The MIR Implementation Training outcomes:

  • Practical and effective strategies to integrate the Mindfulness in Recovery® methods and practices into the therapeutic process for the treatment of addiction, co-occurring disorders, and family support strategies
  • Identify evidenced-based therapeutic modalities that link effectively to an
    integrated, individualized mindfulness program for clients
  • Knowledge of the diverse perspectives and definitions of mindfulness
  • Clarify the difference between mindfulness meditation and the practice of
  • Understand the role of meditation in the practice of mindfulness

Participant Benefits:

  • Certificate of 14 hours of professional development training in MIR. We are a NAADAC approved education provider.
  • Training fulfills a prerequisite for entry into Mindfulness in Recovery® facilitator certification program
  • Membership in the MIR Clinical Community
  • The Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery® 
  • Enrollment in a 28-day online meditation training course
  • One month of Mindfulness in Recovery® Community membership
  • Discount on MIR materials 

More Information: Read the full description for the course on the Program Page. For specific questions about the training, contact us at [email protected].

Dates: April 27 – May 8, 2020

Facilitator: John Bruna

Cost: $149


Mindful Healing Course Free Information Session

Join Mark Molony for a free Information Session to learn about the Mindful Healing approach, the upcoming book and Mark’s background in Mindful Healing. To learn more, see the Course Page

In the US, Thursday, March 26, 3 pm MST

In Australia, Friday, March 27, 8 am EST


Join with Zoom!

For more details, see 
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MIR Online Friday Morning Meeting

Monday Online Mindfulness in Life™ Meeting