Mindful Living Skills

Mindful Living Skills Webinar – June 2021


The Mindful Life Community™ is excited to announce our next Mindful Living Skills webinar: Weaving Values in Your Day

Join us for our monthly webinar, an exploration of one of the four foundations of mindfulness – values. In this conversation, we hope to explore how we can weave values into our daily practice and our daily lives. Join us as we engage in an important conversation about the role of values in helping us to attend to what is meaningful and in making choices that support us in cultivating genuine happiness. Sharing personal experiences and stories, we invite you to come with your thoughts and questions to create an engaging, community experience for all who attend!

Register today to save your spot

The panel for this month’s webinar

Mark Molony, co-founder of Mindful Life Program™ Mark is a therapist, coach, and instructor in the Mindful Learning Year. 

Lawrie Horder, is a Mindful Life Community™ Member, family man, lifelong learner, observer, and practitioner of mindfulness, human behavior, personal development, and change. 

Christine Cameron, Child Psychologist, and Mindful Life Community™ Member. Christine has been practicing mindfulness for about 6 years in her personal life and as a psychologist working with children who have developmental challenges and their parents. 

Our monthly webinars bring Mindful Life Program™ founders, teachers, and guests together in a collective conversation on key aspects of practice. Join us to learn, explore, and have a chance to ask questions during these live events. 

The webinars are open to anyone, so feel free to invite friends. They are free to members of the Mindful Life Community™ and Mindfulness in Recovery® Community. If you’re not a member of either, register for just $10.

This event has limited seats available. After checkout, look for an email with your personal link to the webinar.

Already a member?

Register at no charge from the Event link within your community. For ease, we’ve copied them below!

Mindful Life Community™

Mindfulness in Recovery® Community


Online Mindfulness in Recovery® Online Course with Taro Thomas


The Mindfulness in Recovery® Course is an 8-WEEK online course.

We are excited and grateful to be able to offer this new online course with daily activities and teachings from our co-founder, John Bruna, and live sessions facilitated by Taro Thomas. With our online format, you can attend from wherever you are in the world.

About the MIR Course 

This course supports:

  • People in recovery (all pathways, including 12-step)
  • Family and friends affected by addiction
  • Clinicians, therapists, and addiction treatment professionals (serves as a prerequisite for the certification course)

This is an eight-week course that begins with an opening session on Thursday, June 10th, followed by weekly sessions on Thursdays. In between sessions, there are videos with instruction from John and exercises from the Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery and the Family and Friends MIR Guidebook.

To learn more about the MIR Course, click here

Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery Cover

Taro Thomas is a certified MLP mindfulness teacher, an MIR certified facilitator, and is dedicated to leading a meaningful life, cultivating genuine happiness, and helping others do the same. Taro has enjoyed continuous recovery since 2003. To learn more about Taro, click here

Everyone in the United States receives a copy of the Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery, or the Family and Friends Guidebook, and access to the online private course platform accessible by computer, tablet, or mobile phone. Course participants are able to interact with each other on that platform and in the live course sessions. 

*If you live outside of the USA, we will work with you to get you access to the guidebook. 

Course Schedule

June 10 – August 8: Facilitated by Taro Thomas

Live Session Times: Thursdays at 5:30 pm Pacific Time, 6:30 pm Mountain Time, 7:30 pm Central Time, 8:30 pm Eastern Time (1-hour sessions). 

Price: $349 US. There is a $50 discount for Mindful Life and Mindfulness in Recovery Community members. Contact us at [email protected] for your discount code. 

Payment Plans and Scholarships: We always offer scholarships and payment plans. We never want anyone to not access our services due to financial difficulties. To apply for a payment plan or scholarship, click here.

Registration: Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email with details for the course. Look for your Essential Guidebook in the mail unless you live outside of the United States. If outside the US, we will contact you about options.

Questions: Email [email protected] or call (970) 633-0163.

Online Mindfulness in Recovery® Online Course with Dan Piquette

The Mindfulness in Recovery® Course is an 8-WEEK online course.

We are excited and grateful to be able to offer this new online course with daily activities and teachings from our co-founder, John Bruna, and live sessions facilitated by Dan Piquette. With our online format, you can attend from wherever you are in the world.

About the MIR Course 

This course supports:

  • People in recovery (all pathways, including 12-step)
  • Family and friends affected by addiction
  • Clinicians, therapists, and addiction treatment professionals (serves as a prerequisite for the certification course)

Due to Labor Day, this is a special eight-session course that lasts seven weeks. The opening session on Sunday, July 11th, followed by weekly sessions on Sundays through August 29th. In between sessions, there are videos with instruction from John and exercises from the Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery and the Family and Friends MIR Guidebook.

To learn more about the MIR Course, click here

Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery Cover

Dan Piquette is a certified MLP mindfulness teacher, a MIR certified facilitator, and founder of the Turning Leaf Foundation. Dan facilitates a Mindfulness in Recovery® meeting and teaches mindfulness courses in Corvallis, Oregon and abroad.

Everyone in the United States receives a copy of the Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery, or the Family and Friends Guidebook, and access to the online private course platform accessible by computer, tablet, or mobile phone. Course participants are able to interact with each other on that platform and in the live course sessions. 

*If you live outside of the USA, we will work with you to get you access to the guidebook. 

Course Schedule

July 11 – September 5th: Facilitated by Dan Piquette

Live Session Times: Sundays at 1 pm Pacific Time, 2 pm Mountain Time, 3 pm Central Time, 4 pm Eastern Time (1-hour sessions). 

Price: $349 US. There is a $50 discount for Mindful Life and Mindfulness in Recovery® Community members. Contact us at [email protected] for your discount code. 

Payment Plans and Scholarships: We always offer scholarships and payment plans. We never want anyone to not access our services due to financial difficulties. To apply for a payment plan or scholarship, click here.

Registration: Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email with details for the course. Look for your Essential Guidebook in the mail unless you live outside of the United States. If outside the US, we will contact you about options.

Questions: Email [email protected] or call (970) 633-0163.

Mindful Living Skills

Mindful Living Skills Webinar – May 2021


The Mindful Life Community™ is excited to announce our next Mindful Living Skills webinar: No Such Thing as a Small Act of Kindnness

Join us for our monthly webinar, an exploration of kindness, our beliefs about kindness, what supports and keeps us from offering kindness, and why there is no such thing as a small act of kindness. Join us as we engage in a lively conversation about how our mindfulness practice develops the immeasurable attitude and actions loving-kindness and reduces what limits us. Sharing personal experience and stories, we invite you to come with your thoughts and questions to create an engaging, community experience for all who attend!

Register today to save your spot

The panel for this month’s webinar

Laura Bartels, Executive Director of Mindful Life Program™

Mark Molony, co-founder of Mindful Life Program™

Melissa Mose, MLP Certified Teacher, Program Director of the Mindfulness in Recovery® Institute

Our monthly webinars bring Mindful Life Program™ founders, teachers, and guests together in a collective conversation on key aspects of practice. Join us to learn, explore, and have a chance to ask questions during these live events. 

The webinars are open to anyone, so feel free to invite friends. They are free to members of the Mindful Life Community™ and Mindfulness in Recovery® Community. If you’re not a member of either, register for just $10.

This event has limited seats available. After checkout, look for an email with your personal link to the webinar.

Already a member?

Register at no charge from the Event link within your community. For ease, we’ve copied them below!

Mindful Life Community™

Mindfulness in Recovery® Community


Four Keys of Living Mindfully Online Course Expanded with Live Teaching

It is our hope that this course will help support you in living a meaningful and fulfilling life—adding joy, focus, attention, a clear sense of values and wisdom to your life, and providing relief from stress and suffering. All the moments of our lives can be meaningful if we bring attention and intention into them. Live your life mindfully, with attention, values, wisdom, and an open heart. The Mindful Life Program approach is practical, accessible and universal.


What’s included:

• 6 hours of live-remote online discussion sessions 

• 8 30-minute videos hosted by the Mindful Life Program

• Downloadable Four Keys companion journal

• 28 days of meditation Course also hosted by the Mindful Life Program

• 2 months membership in the new Mindful Life Community platform

To register, click here.


Dates: June 8 – July 13, 2021

Time: Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8PM (PST)

Course fee: $200 *scholarships are available if needed. 

Please contact Laura Hess and Kevin Walsh for more information, here

Taught by Laura Hess & Kevin Walsh