Mindful Living Skills

Mindful Living Skills Webinar – August 2021


The Mindful Life Community™ is excited to announce our next Mindful Living Skills webinar: Exploring Skills and Practices That Enhance Compassion

Register today to save your spot!

This webinar will focus on compassion and ways we can understand what it is and  how we can enhance compassion in our life. Our panelists will discuss ways they have practiced compassion and what they have personally found useful to developed it in their own lives.

The panel for this month’s webinar:

Mark Molony, co-founder of the Mindful Life Program™ Mark is a therapist, coach, and instructor in the Mindful Learning Year.

Marcus Kirkman: A native of NC, I recently relocated to the beautiful mountains of Asheville, NC with my wife Allison. As a Certified Mindfulness Teacher and Certified Mindfulness in Recovery Facilitator, my passion is Compassionate service & Healing.

Clare Goodman: Participating in the personal development stream of the MLP was both a challenge and a joy. I found that both were needed in ample amounts to afford me a rich learning experience. I am a curious adventurer that seeks to understand the world I create and the meaning I make. At work I am passionate about helping leaders create human-centred workplaces. At home I create, write, embark on physical challenges, perhaps a little beyond what my body is capable of – and play with my energetic and imaginative grandchildren.

Our monthly webinars bring Mindful Life Program™ founders, teachers, and guests together in a collective conversation on key aspects of practice. Join us to learn, explore, and have a chance to ask questions during these live events. 

The webinars are open to anyone, so feel free to invite friends. They are free to members of the Mindful Life Community™ and Mindfulness in Recovery® Community. If you’re not a member of either, register for just $10.

This event has limited seats available. After checkout, look for an email with your personal link to the webinar.

Already a member?

Register at no charge from the Event link within your community. For ease, we’ve copied them below!

Mindful Life Community™

Mindfulness in Recovery® Community


Mindfulness Foundations Course

MLP Online Mindfulness Foundations Course

Now being offered online! Offer yourself the gift of mindfulness. Join the Mindful Life Program Foundations Course, October 1 – November 19, 2021. Give yourself the gift of this lively and engaging opportunity to learn to live mindfully, with attention and intention, cultivating genuine happiness and a meaningful life. The MLP Foundations Course combines the practice of meditation with the application of mindfulness in daily life and guides you to develop the habits that support you. Our goal is to help you to live your life with attention and intention, cultivating the skills that empower you to make healthy choices that are in alignment with your values and that are meaningful to you. Empower yourself to integrate the four key areas of mindfulness – attention, wisdom, values, and an open heart – into your life in practical, accessible, and universal ways. 

Attention – Developing attention skills through meditation training.

Values – Living a meaningful life. Developing healthy habits and responses that are in alignment with one’s personal values.

Wisdom – Understanding one’s biases, labeling, projection, and pre-judgment. Increasing emotional intelligence and learning to respond rather than react.

Open heart – Developing healthy relationships and connections. Cultivating skills of compassion, loving-kindness, empathic joy, and equanimity.

Enrollment includes:

  • 20 hours of engaging online class over 8 weeks
  • “Transforming to a Mindful Life” Companion Journal
  • “Wisdom of a Meaningful Life” by co-founder John Bruna
  • Three-month membership to the Mindful Life Community™
  • Access to meditation library and additional resources
  • Additional mindfulness resources

Read the full description for the course under the Programs tab, and read more feedback from recent participants here.

Dates: Fridays, 2:00 – 4:30 pm MST from October 1- November 19, 2021 

Cost: $299 ($350 value), contact facilitator for information on scholarships

To register: click here

Contact: Rita Clagett, [email protected]

Facilitator: Rita Clagett

Online Mindfulness in Recovery® Online Course with John Bruna

The Mindfulness in Recovery® Course is an 8-WEEK online course open to anyone.

We are excited and grateful to be able to offer this new online course with daily activities and teachings from our co-founder, John Bruna, and live sessions facilitated by Dan Piquette. With our online format, you can attend from wherever you are in the world.

About the MIR Course 

This course supports:

  • People in recovery (all pathways, including 12-step)
  • Family and friends affected by addiction
  • Clinicians, therapists, and addiction treatment professionals (serves as a prerequisite for the certification course)

This is an eight-week course that begins with an opening session on Tuesday, August 17th, followed by weekly sessions on Tuesday evenings. In between sessions, there are videos with instruction from John and exercises from the Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery

Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery Cover

Everyone in the United States receives a copy of either the Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery or the Family and Friends version of the guidebook, and access to the private course online community platform accessible by computer, tablet, or mobile phone. You are able to interact with others in the course on that platform and in the course sessions. 

*If you live outside of the USA, we will work with you to get you access to the guidebook. 

Dan Piquette is a certified MLP mindfulness teacher, a MIR certified facilitator, and founder of the Turning Leaf Foundation. Dan facilitates a Mindfulness in Recovery® meeting and teaches mindfulness courses in Corvallis, Oregon, and abroad.

Course Schedule

August 31 – October 26th 

Live Session Times – Tuesdays at:

  • 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Pacific Time, USA
  • 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Mountain Time, USA 
  • 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Central Time, USA
  • 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm Eastern Time, USA

Price: $349 US. There is a $50 discount for Mindful Life and Mindfulness in Recovery Community members. Contact us at [email protected] for your discount code. 

Payment Plans and Scholarships: We always offer scholarships and payment plans. We never want anyone to not access our services due to financial difficulties. To apply for a payment plan or scholarship, click here.

Registration: Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email with details for the course. Look for your Essential Guidebook in the mail unless you live outside of the United States. If outside the US, we will contact you about options.

Questions: Email [email protected] or call (970) 633-0163.

Online Mindfulness in Recovery® Online Course with John Bruna

The Mindfulness in Recovery® Course is an 8-WEEK online course open to anyone.

We are excited and grateful to be able to offer this new course with our co-founder, John Bruna! This is truly a precious opportunity to learn from an authentic, warm, and accessible teacher who embodies the wisdom he shares. With our online format, you can attend from wherever you are in the world. 

About the MIR Course 

This course supports:

  • People in recovery (all pathways, including 12-step)
  • Family and friends affected by addiction
  • Clinicians, therapists, and addiction treatment professionals (serves as a prerequisite for the certification course)

This is an eight-week course that begins with an opening session on Wednesday, August 11th, followed by weekly sessions on Wednesday mornings. In between sessions, there are videos with instruction from John and exercises from the Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery

Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery Cover

Everyone in the United States receives a copy of either the Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery or the Family and Friends version of the guidebook, and access to the private course online community platform accessible by computer, tablet, or mobile phone. You are able to interact with others in the course on that platform and in the course sessions. 

*If you live outside of the USA, we will work with you to get you access to the guidebook. 

John Bruna is a counselor, educator, spiritual director, and mindfulness trainer. He is the co-founder of both Mindfulness in Recovery® and the Mindful Life Program, author of The Wisdom of a Meaningful Life and The Essential Guidebook to Mindfulness in Recovery. 

Course Schedule

August 11 – October 6th: Facilitated by John Bruna

Live Session Times: Wednesday at 11 am Central Time, 12 pm Mountain Time, 1 pm Pacific Time, 2 pm Eastern Time (1-hour sessions). 

Price: $349 US. There is a $50 discount for Mindful Life and Mindfulness in Recovery Community members. Contact us at [email protected] for your discount code. 

Payment Plans and Scholarships: We always offer scholarships and payment plans. We never want anyone to not access our services due to financial difficulties. To apply for a payment plan or scholarship, click here.

Registration: Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email with details for the course. Look for your Essential Guidebook in the mail unless you live outside of the United States. If outside the US, we will contact you about options.

Questions: Email [email protected] or call (970) 633-0163.

Mindful Living Skills

Mindful Living Skills Webinar – July 2021


The Mindful Life Community™ is excited to announce our next Mindful Living Skills webinar: Remedies for the Culture of Busyness

Register today to save your spot!

Join us for our monthly webinar where we explore one of the foundational challenges to Mindfulness – Busyness. In this conversation, we hope to explore the true nature of busyness and how it impacts our inner experience and our external reality. How can Mindfulness support us in stepping out of the culture of busyness and step into mindful engagement? Our panelists bring a wealth of experience and a curiosity to explore what works to address this modern day affliction. 

Sharing personal experience and stories, we invite you to come with your thoughts and questions to create an engaging, community experience for all who attend!

The panel for this month’s webinar:

Mark Molony, co-founder of the Mindful Life Program™ Mark is a therapist, coach, and instructor in the Mindful Learning Year.

Geoff McDonald is an ideas guy, author, and business coach.  For most of his life, he was great at starting things but terrible at finishing them. With the help of mindfulness training, he’s turned this around in a big way. 

Elle Jones has also experienced busyness at times. Elle is an accomplished Commercial Lawyer with a passion for innovation, a single mother, and a mindfulness practitioner for the past 5 years.

Our monthly webinars bring Mindful Life Program™ founders, teachers, and guests together in a collective conversation on key aspects of practice. Join us to learn, explore, and have a chance to ask questions during these live events. 

The webinars are open to anyone, so feel free to invite friends. They are free to members of the Mindful Life Community™ and Mindfulness in Recovery® Community. If you’re not a member of either, register for just $10.

This event has limited seats available. After checkout, look for an email with your personal link to the webinar.

Already a member?

Register at no charge from the Event link within your community. For ease, we’ve copied them below!

Mindful Life Community™

Mindfulness in Recovery® Community